Thermodynamics and evolution


"Law 1 of thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed." [The energy of the universe remains constant; although energy can be exchanged between the system and the environment, it cannot be created or destroyed /energy conservation/. The law of conservation of energy is not a mathematical truth, but the consequence of the immeasurable culmination of observations over the chronicle of our civilization, and a fundamental axiom of thermal science.]

"Law 2 of thermodynamics - In a spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases." [Any spontaneous process always leads to an escalation of the entropy of the universe (S). In simple terms, the law explains that the entropy of an isolated system will never decrease over time, while it requires external work /a sufficient quality and amount of directed energy/ to reverse it.]- 

The word 'thermodynamics' comes from two root words: 'thermo', meaning heat, and 'dynamic', meaning force. 

According to Einstein: The supreme law of all science - one of the most fundamental maxims of physics is the tendency towards greater randomness - is the fact that things on average become disordered rather than orderly if they are left to. 

The thermodynamic arrow of time /entropy/ is a measure of disorder within a /closed, isolated, abandoned/ system. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of the universe as an isolated system in any spontaneous process either increases over time /is related to randomness or disorder/ or remains constant; it never decreases. 

For example, gas molecules in a sealed bottle will disperse in the bottle over time. As soon as a closed system reaches the maximum possible state of entropy /when the gas molecules are uniformly distributed/, the system reaches a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. This is the reason why a cup of tea loses heat to its surroundings /more and more is lost as energy is transferred or transformed/ instead of being heated by the air around it. This means that heat cannot be fully converted into work.

The laws of thermodynamics are deceptively simple to state, but their implications are far-reaching. A thorough understanding of the basic principles of thermodynamics that govern our universe can help engineers learn to effectively control the effects of heat in their designs for beneficial purposes.

The whole universe does not become better and more specialised. It runs down. According to the second law of thermodynamics, it wears out. If, according to the first law of thermodynamics, matter and energy in nature are not created and destroyed, then the Universe cannot create itself from nothing. Thus, if naturalistic atheism is true /and at one time nothing existed/, then today there should be nothing at all. Yet, here we are - an entire Universe, perhaps the greatest evidence for the existence of God. Indeed, matter needs a Creator.

The 19th-century philosopher and evolutionist Herbert Spencer said, "There are three verbally intelligible assumptions that can be made about the origin of the Universe.
We can say that,

- it exists in itself - that is, from eternity
-or that it is self-created - that is, spontaneously generated -
-or that it was created by an external agency

Evolutionary physicist Victor Stenger, in his book, God: The Failed Hypothesis, said:

„Conservation of energy [i.e., the First Law—JM] and other basic laws hold true in the most distant observed galaxy and in the cosmic microwave background, implying that these laws have been valid for over thirteen billion years. Surely any observation of their violation during the puny human life span would be reasonably termed a miracle…. In principle, the creation hypothesis could be confirmed by the direct observation or theoretical requirement that conservation of energy was violated 13.7 billion years ago at the start of the big bang.” /2007, pp. 115-116, emp. added/.

Thus, according to Stenger, the hypothesis of creation is confirmed by scientific evidence. The creation of energy from nothing at the outset is a miracle against self-evident chaos.
„1st Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created or destroyed."

Therefore, the Universe, consisting complete mass, matter and energy, could not have come into existence spontaneously /by itself/ without the presence and intervention of Force, without violating the first law of thermodynamics. This Force cannot be other than a supernatural God outside time and space.

[The happening of the universe is in contrast to the sobering idea that nothing happens by itself if the ground state is zero triumphantly emerging from nothing. If there is a happening /dynamic, intelligent material happening/, then its origin is to be found in the invisible spirit world outside of nothing - in another dimension.]

Revelation 4:11 You are worthy, O Lord our God, to have glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will all things were made and came into being.

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Nobel Prize-winning German physicist and founder of quantum mechanics. "As a man who has devoted his life to the purest science, the study of matter, I can say, as a result of my research on atoms, that matter as such does not exist! All matter comes into being and exists only because of a force that makes the atom's particles vibrate and holds this smallest solar system of the atom together. Behind this force we must assume the existence of a conscious and intelligent spirit. This mind is the matrix of all matter." /Das Wesen der Materie [The Nature of Matter], speech in Florence, Italy (1944) (in Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 11 Planck, No. 1797)/ 

In contrast, what beliefs does science promote in the public mind? "Nature has evolved light and strong yet tough materials by arranging limited modest materials into clever architectures." /Solid and ductile composites with a pearlescent cementitious bond/ -

If the scientist who laid the foundations of the science of physics assumes a conscious and intelligent mind behind the structure of materials, what kind of mind is logical to assume behind the structure of, say, clam shells, if this is the basis on which Princeton University engineers have developed a new type of concrete that is much more durable than the common types of concrete?

Their solution is based on a combination of hexagonal concrete slabs and thin polymer layers between them. Because what is actually happening? They have created an anti-entropy development. Have they used intelligence to copy a natural formation that has no intelligence behind it? Or is there? And behind the universe?

Unintelligent forces of nature contradict the "supreme law of all science" - that things on average become disordered rather than orderly if left alone. How then did humble materials arrange themselves into clever architectures by nature, if they were more inclined to disorder than to order?!

And was the same drive for disorder behind the development of a more durable type of concrete, or was the law of entropy overridden by the workings of an intelligent mind? And if this working /engineering/ is part of everyday life, does this not prove the existence of an intelligent background spirit? And what about the universe? 

Is the universe currently in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium? No, the stars are still burning, the sun is emitting heat, life exists, etc. If the universe were in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, all the energy in it would be used up, and therefore there would be no more stars, light, heat and life. The entire universe in its entirety is not in such a state.

The universe is constantly running out and this running out cannot last forever, otherwise it should have run out by now. There would be no stars left to produce energy and we would not be here. 

Some have suggested that one universe gives life to another, but there cannot be an infinite series of such births and deaths, as each cycle has less energy available than the last, and if this had been the case from an eternity ago, the death of the universe would have already occurred.

The universe had to start in a very high information state, from which it slows down to a lower state.The genes of plants, insects, animals and humans are constantly becoming flawed, not improved, over time. Order, of course, always moves towards disorder or chaos unless an intelligent being changes it.

At the level of the inanimate, entropy is at work, at the level of the living there is also a tendency towards death /an inevitable aging process/, so the clock had to be wound up first for it to run out. The existence of complex, self-reproducing life requires a life tax. 

This is the biblical revelation: 

"How innumerable are your works, JEHOVAH! This is the great and wide sea! In it are innumerable creeping things; small animals with great ones. There are galleys [and] whales, which thou hast formed to play in it. All these look to thee to give them their food in due season. Thou givest them, and they gather it in: thou openest thy hand, and they are filled with thy goodness. Thou turnest away thy face, they shall be troubled; thou takest away the souls, they shall go forth and be turned to dust again. Thou shalt release thy spirit, they shall be renewed, and thou shalt make new the colour of the earth. To JEHOVAH be glory forever; let JEHOVAH rejoice in his creatures." (Psalm 104:24-31)


Biological evolution, which turns bacteria into humans, with its apparent increase in order and complexity, would violate the second law, which states that subjects become more disordered over time, not more complex, as evolution works. Except that the second law of thermodynamics is not violated by mutation or natural selection, which are the main steps in neo-Darwinian evolution. If the general process of evolution is divided into many small steps, followed by mutation, followed by selection, then the second law allows each step, and the general process.

Life and evolution do not violate the second law of thermodynamics /only delay it/; we know of nothing in Nature that violates this absolute law. In fact, the second law of thermodynamics is not an obstacle to understanding life, but a necessary condition for fully understanding living processes.

There's a big slip hidden between the lines here, which is true of the whole theory of evolution, but which few people will notice at first reading. Namely, the theory of evolution uses the characteristic moments of an already functioning mechanism /which delays entropy/, but deeply conceals how these functioning mechanisms came into being - without violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which states that "for every change in the Universe, entropy increases, information content decreases. This natural tendency to decay and chaos is evident all around us."

Organisms maintain a highly organized state by extracting free energy from their environment (solar energy, etc.) into a larger system and processing this energy to maintain their low entropy state, while exporting waste to the environment, thereby producing entropy. Since when is this a natural process? Since when is free energy and purposefully deployed energy the same? 

The fact that a working car takes up fuel in the form of petrol and a flashlight takes up energy from the battery or battery pack inside it, both of which act against entropy during operation, since when can it be called a spontaneous natural process? Free energy flows from the hair dryer too, why is it not absorbed /by the car and the lamp/, physicist, chemist, biologist professors? Does your Ph.D. not extend that far?

Here we are talking about two intelligently designed and manufactured machines, so the result of the process dominated by the deployed and precisely applied intelligence is the operation of the car and the lamp, and the life processes of living beings, but if these are not previously put together by the conscious and intelligent thinking /design/ above matter, then self-organization does not develop, and nothing works here by itself! The spontaneous emergence of self-propelling perpetual motion machines by the wild riding of scattered energy beams belongs to the field of pseudoscientific schizophrenia. 

Chemical soup is not your ancestral home, it's what they fill your mental digestive system with, like the food industry fills the finished products served to you with lots of not-so-healthy chemicals.

The emergence and self-spinning of life from the thermal mud is like the case of Baron Munchausen, who pulled himself out of the swamp by his own hair. The frantic hurtling of science on a cannonball into space as it travels. Like my grandmother on horseback with a periscope.

[He was also asked: - was it true that you were spotted by the Tartars when you were spying the sky on horseback with a periscope? - It was true, but I couldn't see anything because the horse was lame and was pulling the periscope up and down. - It's a good thing he didn't get lost in that big sandstorm.The evolutionists, on the other hand, are very lost!] 

Spontaneous self-organization out of nothing is a physico-chemical-biological vial of poison that has been watered down to the general public, which uses this recipe to identify its life processes, the necessary endpoint of which is the relentless lifelessness from which it supposedly came.

But why? To fall back again into relentless destruction? This meaningless wander of existence on the unstoppable round and round of death is utter nonsense.

In the same way, biological evolution does not turn bacteria into humans, because at the beginning of the line, there is no living organism capable of spontaneous evolution to ride on. Because evolution cannot create organisms capable of evolution, because then it would create the evolutionary tool with which it creates!

With a hammer, how does the first hammer create the hammer??? How does the evolutionary process before it create the subjects on which the evolutionary process itself subsequently takes place? 

The mystery of how heat, chemical or solar energy flows from a low-entropy source through simple chemicals that are said to lead to the formation of complex polymer structures remains unanswered. The blind force at work in chaos cannot even create matter/atoms, molecules, etc., let alone matter that, despite the disorder force, exhibits an ordered material structure that then simply uses raw, undirected energy in a way that produces any kind of goal-oriented systemic function.

It's not scientific to think that life will be born when matter is collected. If this could happen naturally, it would not be difficult to give life to a corpse with all the necessary material in the right quantities.

Give the dead man energy that has been drained of life and he will not move a millimetre against entropy. He is in a deathly rigid, lifeless state, which was the default state. So how and what caused the rigid ground state of the lifeless corpse to start working against entropy, perhaps due to some meaningless, unidentified impulse? [Oh, that infamous coincidence, the trump card of materialism!]

"Entropy permeates all of nature ... The second law of thermodynamics, that entropy is always increasing, determines the direction of the flow of time and shows that the state of a dynamical system is constantly changing in this direction, and thus inevitably approaches the limit state corresponding to a state of maximum entropy.

It is precisely the irreversibility of the dynamic processes that constitute the course and eventual destruction of the universe that has led writers, historians, philosophers and theologians to ask profound questions such as: how is it possible for life to come into being in a universe governed by a supreme law that prevents the mere existence of life?" -

Countless attempts at abiogenesis have failed! Evolutionary biology explains how the cane stem works without having any idea of the origin of the root system - where does viability come from, where does the system of parts in the engine compartment of a car come from, where does the ability to move a car come from, where does the ability to light a torch come from? Where does the cellular system that provides the structured life processes come from?

Energy is consumed by the living being, "energy from the environment is consumed," - then how did the components of the car and the flashlight come together? Did the engine compartment absorb the components? And the flashlight? And the genetic program /DNA/ just sorted itself out?

According to evolutionists, biology has shown that many species of animals, such as insect swarms, ungulate colonies, fish swarms, ant colonies and bacterial colonies, self-organise in nature.

This is what the pseudo-scientific theory of evolution would have you believe, that everything that operates in a system of entropy evolved from zero by self-organization. The cow, the cow stall, the Cattle Breeding textbook, the grass, the planet, the universe, all just appeared on their own, over a long period of time, without any purpose or rational justification. Despite the chaos in every corner!

I have absolutely no tendency to steal, yet my flat is full of stolen goods. How is this possible? Items have been sneaking in, I didn't even know. When I woke up, my room was full of stolen goods. The evolutionists also woke up, the universe was full of biological wonders, and now they are telling the general public how it happened spontaneously, by itself. While the natural necessity of nothing is that it remains nothing for eternity. Nothing and something are as proportional to each other as illiteracy and the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is a true Darwinian product.

According to the materialist worldview, life is a self-sustaining chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution. - So where did this system come from?

Does Darwin's theory of evolution explain the evolution of living things? It doesn't explain its evolution, but its adaptation. Self-evolution from some spontaneously arising cell is a popular hypothesis, because to evolve something requires incessant special breeding and selection pressure according to the principle of artificial selective breeding. But constant changes in the environment do not provide a selective developmental direction, an oriented, incessant selection pressure for a particular species to the extent necessary, so no complex organism can evolve from some ancient cell in this way!

According to Darwinism, all species of organisms are created and evolve through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the ability of individuals to compete, survive and reproduce. The slip is in the first half of the sentence, in the arbitrary assertion of spontaneous generation, which is not true. Inherited variation and natural selection are there to test the adaptability of species populations that exist from the beginning /creation/, reproduce according to their own sex, and are capable of survival, while their origin /origin of species populations/ has nothing to do with where they came from!

Natural selection refers to living systems that already have the capacity to reproduce, and therefore the construction of DNA and enzyme architectures by processes other than natural selection is a necessary but not sufficient condition for a general explanation of the origin of living things.

The role of natural selection is to test the survivability of the subjects as they try to adapt to the changes in nature.

The general meaning of a qualification is a qualification required to perform a job, work or occupation. In this case, it is what all living things must achieve, i.e. the acquisition of the qualifications necessary for survival. The competition is on for the most qualified status to carry on the baton of life. For example, the battle between bulls for the right to mate. And this is a consciously designed program, evolution has nothing to do with it, evolution is the means by which the selection process takes place.

In other words, evolution fulfils a mandate to select, like the jury that selects quality productions, but the weeding out does not create them. However, the process must be consciously initiated to fulfil its purpose.

Darwin stressed the principle that the grimaces of the face can be used to infer the origin of the face itself - see "all species of living things are formed by the natural selection of small, inherited variations". In other words, it is through the subsequent selection of grimace variations that the first prototype of the face is created. Which is nothing more than a fairy tale in evolutionary terms!

When the basically indifferent human face grimaces, it violates the law of entropy, because smiling works against entropy /sadness/. Then, when he sobers up and learns that if the ground state is empty space /a state of nothingness/, then since "energy can neither be created nor destroyed", it cannot be used to create matter, or highly organized, materially based, spiritual DNA, or such and such an ancient cell /LUCA/, or to create, by unguided selection pressure, a self-directed, million different kinds of living beings, each with a corresponding, economically organized habitat. 

Let us not confuse the already existing life functions equipped with intelligent background programming with the fact that this self-organization ultimately arose from nothing and has raised itself up into what we now see as a living world functioning and taking place!

It is possible to pull the rabbit out of the hat, but it requires illusionist tricks, of which Darwinian evolutionary theory is not lacking. In fact, it is full of evolutionary tricks: - this kind of blugy, that kind of blugy, that kind of blugy; humans are monkeys for the same reason that birds are dinosaurs, they are derived from stardust in the same way that Mona Lisa's smile is derived from paint molecules, etc./, and the atheist crowd is applauding with delight at how everything works itself out. You bought the ticket, you paid for the performance with your life, you can throw the ticket away afterwards.

"The whole genetic programme is at the service of DNA, not of the people themselves. We are merely temporary containers of life-bearing molecules. In this case the packaging, ourselves, is merely there to be discarded." /Rudi Westendorp, Dutch professor of genetics/

While "In the intracellular environment, the error of replication of DNA is about one in three billion nucleotides... Here we have a hierarchy of levels of complexity that is difficult to comprehend even at the lowest level." /John C. Lennox, mathematician/

How could cellular complexity work against the law of entropy to spontaneously generate, but especially life? "The honest man equipped with modern knowledge finds that at present the origin of life seems in a sense almost miraculous - so many conditions must be met." /Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981)/

 Evolutionists believe in miracles; however, they do not believe in the Miracle Eater. - There is probably no God, so you can enjoy life in peace - /Richard Dawkins' bus campaign in England/ The existence of a rational human being is utterly meaningless. Isn't it wonderful?!

Nothing in biology makes sense unless you look at it from an evolutionary perspective. Besides, nothing makes sense anyway. [Except for the corruption surrounding the altar of money, which is the prime mover of a society raised on Darwinism. Oh please, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!]

"Mankind must accept that science has destroyed the justification for belief in cosmic purpose, and that the survival of purpose is fuelled only by emotion." /Peter Atkins, Oxford professor of chemistry; "Will science ever fail?" [Will science ever fail?] New Scientist, 8 Aug. 1992, pp. 32-35./

"We are children of chaos, and the deep structure of change is decay. At its root is nothing but corruption and an unstoppable wave of chaos. The goal is gone; only the direction remains. This is the bleakness we must accept as we look deeply and dispassionately into the heart of the Universe." /Peter Atkins (1984), The Second Law (New York: Scientific American), p. 200./ 


The original formulation of the second law of thermodynamics: - In space left alone, in space uninfluenced by man, disorder increases with time. 

Reason creates order, where there is no reason there is chaos. This is stated in the second law of thermodynamics, which is absolutely true and refutes materialism. 

Mindless matter and energy only creates disorder. We know from our everyday experience that over time, when intelligence is present, orderliness increases.

If everything is matter and energy, then reason is also matter and energy, and therefore cannot create anything but chaos. This is not what happens. The opposite is happening.

Materialists invented chance to counteract this. Out of disorder/chaos/over time, order sometimes emerges, which is random, and it happens because there are so many random reactions happening in the universe at any given moment that some of these random reactions add not chaos but order. [This is not a scientific position, because the law of thermodynamics works against randomness! A stone rolling on a flat surface never rolls up a hill by chance!]

One of the most fundamental maxims of physical science is the tendency towards greater randomness - the fact that things, on average, tend to become disordered rather than orderly if left alone.

What can chance do in its abandoned state, against the thermodynamic arrow of time?

The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy of the universe as an isolated system in any spontaneous process either increases over time /is related to randomness or disorder/ or remains constant; it never decreases.

If disorder is not decreasing but increasing, then chance cannot but maintain and even increase disorder, so this highly valued chance factor of materialism can go to the evolutionist saltbox to decorate the window in its inertia of creation.

Science pushes chance ahead of itself, and pulls the impossible behind it.

In the end, they have no idea what they are explaining, of which only the explanation is real, but the content is a philosophical blur on the cobblestone that they refuse to get rid of. It is a self-defeating predestination that is dragging mainstream media-qualified science inexorably down with it.

Science does not give the right to decide to the individual, and it does so by claiming its own conclusion as proven, so that you can come to the same conclusion as it. And you do it willingly and sing-song. "Can the state allow its citizens to decide how the world is? If there is a form of knowledge honoured today, it is scientific knowledge. Can a contrary view be taught to millions of children? If so, the status of one of the most important institutions in society - science, which is responsible for the creation of knowledge - would be undermined." /Gábor Zemplén Creationism - pro and con. VILÁGOSSÁG, 2006/6-7./

So status is more important than the truth! Those who do not seek the truth are a hair's breadth away from making it disappear. In materialism there is no good, no evil; life has no purpose; and man has no role in existence. According to evolution, your feet did not evolve to walk on and your eyes did not evolve to see. These are all spontaneously evolving by-products of matter. 

But why does evolution create legs if it doesn't know what walking is? Why does it create eyes if it doesn't know what sight is? Why does it create a reproductive organ if it doesn't know what reproduction means? If you don't know function, why do you create function-filling organ? Just so Darwin and his successors have something to amuse themselves with?

The physical and chemical equations revolve around this moral proposition. There is no right and no wrong, only self-interest. The stronger dog is ... - so the saying goes.

It is the religion of matter that is enveloping much of the nations of the world, which is a pandemic. It is a state-sponsored disease that is eating society from the inside out. The lie is the most powerful and sophisticated weapon of mass destruction. 


"How can greater organisational complexity emerge in an entropic universe? Isaac Asimov (1984) characterized the fallacy of the creationist understanding of entropy: “In kindergarten terms, the second law of thermodynamics says that all spontaneous change is in the direction of increasing disorder—that is, in a ‘downhill’ direction. There can be no spontaneous buildup of the complex from the simple, therefore, because that would be moving ‘uphill’.” Asimov reasons, “An argument based on kindergarten terms is only suitable for kindergartens.” In this section, we will apply an understanding of entropy beyond the kindergarten level.

The second law of thermodynamics clearly does not prohibit the building of complexity from simplicity, hence the existence of complex structures like termite mounds and toaster ovens. The physical world is filled with countless examples of spontaneous order emanating from a less ordered state, such as gases (e.g., water vapor in clouds) condensing into a more ordered liquid state (rain) and liquids freezing into an even more highly ordered solid crystalline state (e.g., ice crystals). Perhaps most dramatic and commonplace biological example of spontaneous order derived from a less ordered state is the development of a single cell, the zygote, into a complex multicellular (billions of cells), adult human possessing dozens of specialized organs, tissue classes, and terminally differentiated cell types. Clearly, snowflake synthesis and embryogenesis do not violate any physical laws, so what’s going on?

In a nutshell, the synthesis of order exacts an energetic price: The cost of converting a relatively disordered water droplet into a more ordered snowflake is the release of heat to the environment, and the cost of embryogenesis is the conversion of ordered nutrients into less ordered waste products and heat. In the end, the processes of snowflake synthesis and embryogenesis always contribute more net entropy to the system as a whole, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. According to the creationist “kindergartener’s understanding of entropy” (Asimov 1984), neither snowflake synthesis nor animal development could possibly take place, let alone organismal evolution.

Having just discussed how individual organisms maintain consistently higher degrees of internal order compared with their surroundings, we now describe how the second law of thermodynamics is perfectly consistent with, indeed promotes, the progeny of some populations of organisms becoming incrementally more complex over evolutionary time.”/How Can Greater Organismal Complexity Evolve in an Entropic Universe?/ -

The kindergarten interpretation of entropy is unfortunately typical of those prone to such Asimovian reasoning, since the biological and snowflake synthesis-like events mentioned here are exactly equivalent /naturally speaking of their kind/ to the mechanism of cars and pocket and other lamps.

That they do not violate the 2nd theorem of thermodynamics is for the very obvious reason, as mentioned earlier, that: "the entropy of an isolated system will never decrease over time, while reversing it requires external work /a sufficient quality and quantity of directed energy/."

In other words, these processes work because of the right quality and quantity of directed energy, programming, or the background effect of natural laws, not because they are left to their own devices!

What did the kindergarten level arguer say? "Perhaps the most dramatic and common biological example of spontaneous ordering from a less ordered state is the evolution of a single cell, the zygote, into a complex, multicellular (billions of cells) adult human with dozens of specialized organs, tissue classes, and finitely differentiated cell types. Obviously snowflake synthesis and embryogenesis do not violate any physical laws, so what is going on?"

Since when is this process called "spontaneous settlement"? Have you never heard of genetic programming? According to the evolutionist, any part of the human body is programmed - at the moment when it needs to be imitated / artificial leg, artificial hand, artificial kidney, etc./ - but not until then! Let the scientist create from scratch a zygote, from that an embryo, a foetus and finally by random mutations a human being, just as natural selection without purposeful strategy, direction and intelligence, produced Homo sapiens. In the absence of intelligence, it created intelligence, utterly meaningless. The amount of time and randomness it spends on this is at best enough to sober it up, or not even that!

Moreover, there is now evidence that genetically programmed, specifically targeted mutations exist! DNA flexibly rewrites itself according to the environment. Changes in DNA sequences at the molecular level have shown that the environment influences the DNA of descendants.

"DNA mutations are not random as previously thought" -

"The random occurrence of mutations in terms of their consequences is an axiom on which much of biology and evolutionary theory rests... However, new discoveries in genome biology are inspiring a rethinking of classical views." - ]

If certain mutations arise because of the organism's readiness or need to adapt to the natural environment, rather than by chance, this indicates a control program, which is the opposite of classical neo-Darwinism. So even the way it happens is uncertain, let alone its origin.

The universe obeys natural laws, which are precise, many of them mathematical.

"Our solar system is an example of fantastic order.We can accurately measure the Earth's rotation time around the Sun and depend on it as a constant.The same is true for the motion of stars, planets, comets and other celestial bodies.Given this accuracy, we can predict a solar or lunar eclipse, the return of a comet, a meteor shower, or many other events down to the second.What are the chances of this all falling into place by sheer chance?” /Harry R. Osborne, Evidence: The Order of the Universe/ -

But where did these laws come from and why do they exist? If the universe were just the accidental by-product of a big bang, why would it obey the principles of order - or any principles at all? There must be an intelligent reason for such laws, as the Causer has stated in his Book:

"After God spoke in many ordinances and in many ways to the fathers by the prophets in times past, in these last times He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He made heir of all things, by whom also He created the world, who is the reflection of His glory and the image of His reality, who upholds the universe by the word of His power /by the laws of nature set in order/... Thou, O Lord, didst in the beginning found the earth, and the heavens are the works of thy hands; they shall perish /by the law of entropy/, but thou shalt remain, and all things shall be changed as the garment . And thou shalt fold them up like a mantle, and they shall be changed /by the law of entropy/: but thou art the same, and thy vessels shall not perish." (Hebrews 1:1-3; 10-12)

Oh, how that doesn't appeal to atheists who are into hard-core materialism! Then let them walk around in their spontaneously created cars and shine their spontaneously created pocket lamps of them, and they are guaranteed to get to where they are now: the darkness of rigid immobility.

It is no coincidence that they have called dark energy and dark matter a force they have not identified, but which is clearly detectable:

"A hypothetical form of energy that exerts a negative, repulsive pressure and acts as the opposite of gravity" –  http//

The galaxies of our Universe seem to achieve impossible feats. They are spinning at such speeds that the gravity generated by their observable matter could not hold them together; they should have broken apart long ago. The same is true of galaxies in clusters, leading scientists to wonder if something we can't see is working.

It is thought that something that has yet to be directly discovered gives these galaxies extra mass and creates the extra gravity they need to stay intact. This strange and unknown substance has been called dark matter, because it is invisible, but it is also driving the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Researchers can only infer the existence of dark matter from the gravitational effect on visible matter /dark matter pulls galaxies together while dark energy pulls them apart/. Dark matter acts as an invisible skeleton that holds the visible universe around us.

[By the way, what science says about the CLEARING OF THE UNIVERSE is the same as what the Bible says about God: Isaiah 40:22 [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: - . This is not a self-directed or blind chance-driven expansion, but an expansion consciously guided by the underlying spirit, like the stretching out of the tent to demonstrate the expansion of the sky].

Recognising this, however, also leads the thinking man to another obvious, logical, clear conclusion:

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, that what is visible was made out of what is invisible.

Those who are unable or unwilling to do so are an unbelieving camp, of which Apostle Paul spoke:

"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2Corinthians 4:3-4)


Which side are you on? On the side of light or darkness? What decides is your own conclusion, backed by your full intellectual and emotional capacity, with which you are bound to life, and over which you yourself are the just or unjust judge. It depends on your judgment, to which you measure yourself, whether you enter eternity by conversion or exclude yourself from it. If triumphant evolution is wrong, a dead end, it means your death. This must be accepted!

The biggest obstacle an atheist can throw in God's way is himself! Just as the fate of all living things rests in God's hands, your fate rests in what you think in your head and what you hide in your heart.

Nehemiah 9:6 Thou, [even] thou, [art] Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all [things] that [are] therein, the seas, and all that [is] therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

Matthew 11:25-26 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.

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"The first sip from the cup of science will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the cup is God." /Werner Heisenberg/

Shooting at God dolls in an amusement park may seem like fun, but the real God is waiting for them at the exit.

The human conscience is God's flower garden, in which God waters the fragrance of the flowers that please Him. - See: Ezekiel 20:41
