The higher order of intelligence


- Denial of God is as much a matter of faith as the assertion of God, with the difference that faith proclaims a conscious intelligence behind the created world, while unbelief asserts that anything but conscious intelligence. Regardless, there is conscious intelligence behind denial and all other human creations. It proudly proclaims its own intelligence (Nobel Prize - piecing together the tiny pieces of the puzzle), from which it reaps the acclaim, while denying (from its puzzle existence) the intelligence behind it in the most accusatory way. Intelligence here and there, it is the attitude towards it that gives atheism its true face, which is conceived out of subjective aversion. It cannot arise from objectivity, because the spirituality denied is much higher than the spirituality denying, rejecting it, in so far as the denial is conceived from a feeble, pathetic and prejudiced belittling.

"That there is no God or anything like him is obvious to anyone who is not a fan of old wives' tales," says the God-denier. By contrast, the fact that natural laws can be formulated mathematically has always been a particular source of consternation to natural scientists such as Albert Einstein, and has often been taken as a sign of the divine architect of the world. Exact science has yet to produce a single serious argument against the existence of God.

"The laws of nature are so highly intelligent that the reasonableness of human thought and systematization is a pale reflection in comparison!" /Albert Einstein: Mein Weltbild.

Which then is the higher intelligence, the denier or the denied?

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Where does the genetic basis for evolution come from? How did the unchanged state before genetic variation get into the genetic code if it is precisely the deviation from it that drives evolution?! If variation is the point, how can variation initially cause the original invariance from which it subsequently deviates? Where did the first subjects of the initial organisms capable of evolution come from that could not have been created by evolution, because then evolution would have created its own capability by evolution! Where are the capacities by which the alleged evolution takes place? How can evolution provide this when it depends on their existence?! 

Why are organisms programmed to survive by the means provided by evolution, why do they strive to do so, if evolution is otherwise, according to Darwinian understanding, a completely purposeless process? If the whole biological world that exists today is the result of selection from genetic variations /errors/, what has emerged from the flawless initial genetic basis? Why is evolution based on an explicitly deliberate, God-denying philosophy? How can conscious human procreation and unconscious unguided natural selection create some complex organism, say an elephant from the level of a bacterium /e.g. LUCA/ in the same way, since in reality it is impractical and calls into question the mechanism of artificial selection! 

Artificial selection always selects subjects with desirable characteristics for a strategic purpose, but natural selection cannot do this, as Darwin and Richard Dawkins say,"... there is no more design in the operation of natural selection than there is in the direction in which the wind blows." /Charles Darwin/ "Natural selection is the blind watchmaker; blind because it cannot foresee, because it does not plan consequences, because it has no purpose in mind... biological evolution is essentially a random wandering in a field of genetic possibilities." /Richard Dawkins/ How then did evolution create millions of distinctly different living beings without any guidance, since evolution always selects the most suitable subjects for immediate survival, not for the creation of any species?!
