The fate of jewish in bible prophecy
“For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. ” (Galatians 6: 15-16)
Understanding the historical events after the death of Jesus Christ provides the basis for understanding the role of Israel today, whether it plays a role in biblical prophecy or not? Is it the same as spiritual Israel declared in the New Testament or not?
According to Romans 11: 7, the people of Israel in the first century, on the whole, did not gain the justification they sought by their actions, but only a part of it that believed was chosen; the others were left to their own blindness, that is, hardened.
According to Romans 11: 8, God gave them the soul of the dream, the drowsiness, that is, they left them in an insensitive state as a result of their conversion.
Paul goes on to have their feast to their own loss, their backs to be crooked forever. (Vv. 9- 10, Charles) These words do not include the curses of vengeance, but the prophecy of just punishments that will befall Judaism because their Messiah was not recognized, sentenced to death, killed. Bending the back means carrying a load, servitude.
Why didn't the Jews accept Jesus?
The Jews cite several reasons against Jesus for not being accepted as the Messiah. One is that he was not the first or even the last to state this about himself. Furthermore, it did not live up to the expectations that the Jews had for the coming of the Messiah.
For example, there was no Dalian hero who would ride a stallion into Jerusalem to take the Roman yoke from them, which did not happen; Nor did he restore the royal line of David; he did not gather scattered Jewry in their country; he was not a believer in Pharisaic Judaism, that is, he did not accept the Pharisees as supreme authority, but revealed their hypocrisy; and above all, the Jews in no way accept that Jesus is equal to God in a mystical trinity.
However, the real reason is deeply rooted, namely that the Jewish people lost their guilt and saw no reason to need deliverance. They only wanted to get rid of their external misery and oppression, not the inner misery of sin. Moreover, they imagined that they could justify themselves before God by their own power. The Savior who suffers for them the idea contained in part 53 of the book of the prophet Isaiah was incapable of acceptance. This is why Isaiah 53 was always a forbidden chapter in Judaism.
Like leprosy, they avoided him. Every arrow of their hatred was directed at him because he spoke to them of their sins. Yet he came to bless them. Even during his death he prayed for them:
“Father! Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34, Chaldean Neovulgate)
After three and a half years of blessed service between and for them, he was finally completely rejected. They chose Barabbas, the murderer, to release him rather than him. The people cried out to have their blood on them and on their fetuses. (cf. Matthew 27:25)
Then came the judgment they took when i. s. In 70, Roman General Titus destroyed Jerusalem to the ground (including the famous temple, which had been rebuilt back from the Babylonian captivity and later enlarged and decorated by Herod the Great), while ca. He slaughtered 1 million Jews. And the scattering (for centuries) prescribed in the law of Moses, the yoke of bondage, has come true.
“Before it was the joy of the Lord to do good to you and to multiply you, but now you find joy in destroying and destroying you. They will be exterminated from the land you come to take possession of. For the Lord (YHVH) is scattered among the nations from one end of the world to the other, and there you serve other gods whom neither you nor your fathers know of wood and stone.
But thou shalt not dwell in the midst of the heathen, thou shalt not find a place for thy foot to despise. for the Lord (YHVH) gives you an anxious heart, a broken eye, and a weak soul. Your life depends on your soul (like on a thread), you are terrified day and night, and you never feel safe in your life.” (Deuteronomy 28: 63-66).
On the general conversion of the Jews
Going back to Romans 11, a correct understanding of the prophecies expressed in it can help us recognize the heirs who are destined to uplift humanity.
If we identify today’s bodily Jewish nation with those heirs, do we believe the truth? Let's examine. I wonder if humanity would benefit if the Jewish nation were fully converted, yet imagined the government of Christ on earth. For this is also believed by those who believe that physical Israel is still God's chosen people.
According to them, the Bible teaches the general, corporeal repentance of the Jews, since bodily Israel is forever consecrated by God’s sanctified people, whom God has ‘appropriated for himself’, as he is predestined for this, that is, for salvation, according to ancient and unchanging promises. In the final stage of the history of salvation (after partial hardening), God will once again take back his ancient people into a corrupt but restored covenant relationship.
In the present age of salvation, Israel is thus hostile to God for the sake of the gospel (for the sake of the Gentiles), but according to His election, God is beloved for the sake of the fathers. (cf. Rom. 11:28; Deuteronomy 10:15) Because of the gospel, because the gospel reverses all the wrong grace of Israel. And this will happen when God takes away their sins. According to this view, the choice of Israel did not end with the appearance of the Christian Church. Does the Bible confirm this view?
Is the Restoration of Physical Judaism a Prophecy?
If this were true, because the covenant of God and the bodily Jewish people is eternal, God will dwell again on earthly Zion as a testimony of restored communion (cf. Zechariah 8: 3), having gathered his flock again as pastor (cf. Isaiah, for example). 56:8).
Israel will return to the land of their fathers, and the nations will see his glory, and will find a home in it. Judah and Israel will be reunited. Jerusalem and the temple will be rebuilt, the people will live in safety. The fertility of the country and the well-being of the people will increase. Age is rising and the population is growing. The nations will bring their treasures to Israel and serve them. The law of God shall be the light of the people, and every knee shall bow before him. Israel itself will proclaim to the nations the knowledge and glory of God that the earth will be filled with.
The nations will turn away from their idols and turn to Jehovah and pray with Israel. The difference between the peoples and Israel will disappear. Renewal is complete in God recreating the cosmos itself. The culmination of all this is the hope of the resurrection in a new Earth.
All of these sound nice, just not exactly the way they were outlined here. For the kingdom of Christ is not an earthly kingdom, but a heavenly one;
“My country is not of this world. If I had a land of this world, my servants would fight against the Jews. But my country is not from here.” (John 18:36)
If the government of Christ were set up on earth, the terms about the kingdom of heaven would be meaningless, as would what we read in Ephesians 2:6:
"Together with Christ ... he planted us in heavenly places." Perhaps the “heavenly calling” (Hebrews 3: 1) would be realized in an earthly reign? And perhaps we do not read of the priestly arrangement of the Jews as "the representation and shadow of heavenly things"?! (Hebrews 8: 5)
If the Christian priesthood and royal rule on earth were to take place, how could the earth be the shadow of heaven? The earthly priesthood is not the shadow of Christ's priestly kingdom established on earth, but the shadow of Christ's royal kingdom established in heaven!
But other New Testament prophecies also speak of a kingdom maintained in heaven. (cf. Matthew 7:21; Ephesians 1: 3, 10; Philippians 3:20; Colossians 1: 5, 20; 2 Timothy 4:18; Hebrews 8: 5; 9:23; 10:34; 11:16)
1Peter 1: 3-4 states quite clearly and unequivocally:
"Blessed be God and our Father, the Father of Jesus Christ, who has called us to new life in the great mercy of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, to the living hope of an indestructible, pure and never-ending heritage in heaven."
2 Corinthians 5: 1-2 says the same:
“For we know that if our earthly tent fall down, we receive from God a tabernacle: an eternal home in heaven, not built by human hands. We also sigh here because we want to move into our heavenly home.” (cf. John 14: 2)
But Hebrews 12: 22-24 also perfectly identifies:
“No, ye have come unto mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, the thousands of angels, the feast and assembly of the firstborn in heaven, the judge of us all, God, the souls of the perfect righteous, the mediator of the new covenant, Jesus, to the blood that falls upon us, which cries out more powerfully than to Abel.”
Reign, therefore, must be spiritual and must take place from heaven, not from earthly Zion, the earthly Jerusalem.
[Some say heaven and earth mean the same place, but this is not true, for heaven (the spirit realm where the spirit sons of God were and are) already existed when they rejoiced in the creation of the earth. So the two kinds of hope cannot mean the same place:
“When I created the land, where were you? when the stars of the morning rejoiced, and when the children of God were glad?” (Job 38: 4,7)]
And the restoration must take place primarily in spiritual Israel, the gathering of whom, as called and chosen, is on the agenda before the Day of Judgment of Christ. (cf. Matthew 24:31)
Regarding the temple, the book of Acts 7:24 says that God does not dwell in hand-made temples because the members of the Christian church make up the temple of the living God. (cf. 2 Corinthians 6:16)
After that, how can anyone seriously think that God will return to an earthly, hand-made temple where, in the absence of descent records, those who cannot prove their Aaronic descent and belonging to the tribe of Levi would serve as illegitimate priests because these records were lost or destroyed i. s. What happened when the temple was demolished by Titus in 70 ?!
For by building the stone temple they reject the real (the temple of the body of Christ - cf. John 2:21), but they create the shadow. And this is the measure of the distance from God, because he who is not in Christ the wrath of God abideth on him. (cf. John 3:36)
Rather, with Christ at the forefront, spiritual Israel will be the light of the nations (Isaiah 42:10); The spiritual seed of Abraham (Galatians 3: 16,29); the 144,000 (Revelation 7: 4; 14: 1-5); through whom the blessing of the peoples of the world comes (Acts 3:25); that is, for the meek of the nations of the world, who, according to Jesus, will inherit the earth. (cf. Matthew 5: 5; cf. Psalm 37: 9,22,29)
After all, there is no temple in heavenly Jerusalem because the Lord (Jehovah) is its temple and the Lamb. (cf. Revelation 21:22) So the lion of Judah (Revelation 5: 5) will not come to any earthly temple, for he has made it clear:
"It is a short time, and the world seeth no more, but ye see; for I live, and ye shall live." (John 14:19)
The heavenly Jerusalem in Mount Zion mentioned in Hebrews 12:22 is therefore the same as Zion mentioned in Isaiah 2: 2-4, from which the teaching of God comes out of Jerusalem, and not an earthly (restored from the action of God by Christ) earthly. From Jerusalem, which was taken over by bodily Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War.
Without, of course, having previously accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, and whose people (and their neighbors) bear no witness to following the paths of God as prophesied (a part of which is written on the wall of the United Nations, by the way):
“In the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord (YHVH) will stand firmly on the top of the mountains, and will be higher than the hills. And all the nations shall come, and many nations shall come unto him, saying, Let us go up to the mountain of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us in his ways, and that we may walk in his paths.
For out of Zion cometh the law, and out of Jerusalem the law of the Lord (YHVH). ”He will keep judgment among the nations, and will give justice to many nations. They (YHVH) forge their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives. A nation will not raise a sword against a nation and will no longer learn warfare.” (Isaiah 2: 2-4)
For the new Jerusalem is none other than the bride of Christ (cf. Revelation 21: 2); the wife of Christ the Lamb (cf. Revelation 19: 7); the small flock of the anointed of 144,000 spirits (Luke 12:32), with whom Christ will reign for a thousand years. (cf. Revelation 20: 4-6)
And they are the same as Israel, who form the whole seed, because that in all this way all Israel is saved, and not in the way that Israel is in its own way (democratic and not theocratic) (cf. 1 Corinthians 10:18). ) freethinkers, atheists, liberals, orthodoxes who cling to centuries-old dogmas only suddenly change their thinking overnight and turn to Christ.
If this were the case, the Jews would be free-willed puppets, whom God would move at will. But as we read in Micah 5: 7-8:
“And the remnant of Jacob shall be as a dew from the LORD, as the raindrops upon the green field: he shall not trust in man, nor in the son of man. And the remnant of Jacob shall be as a lion among the wild beasts of the field, like a lion's whelp in the flock: wheresoever he goeth, he treadeth out the spoil, and no man taketh the spoil from him.”
And Paul was referring to this remnant in Romans 11:5:
"So there is still remnant according to the choice of grace." MBT
That is, the prophecy focuses on the remnant that it will bring about the ever-increasing blessing of God and not the whole of physical Israel (the democratic republic of Israel in the Middle East, the Jewish member of the United Nations).
For the fate of all (spiritual) Israel, who have accepted Christ in the first century, will be decided on the remnant, for out of it will grow a new nation, and not the hardened physical Israel, who suffers from a lack of Christian faith and trusts in weapons of war -
who, to this day, go to the dead wailing wall (where they approach God in prayer as if it were a local call in telecommunication language) rather than to the living Christ to approach the Father in prayer alone through Christ. (cf. John 14: 6)
[Today's national state of Israel has nothing to do with biblical spiritual Israel!]
It is the same as in the days of Jesus:
“For the heart of this people was fattened, and their ears were hard to hear, and their eyes were closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and be healed.” (Matthew 13:15)
As Ezekiel 18: 31-32 says:
“Cast away from you all your transgressions that ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new soul; Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I will not rejoice in the death of the dying, saith the Lord (YHVH). Repent therefore, and live.”
There is no moral renewal without conversion
In connection with the moral renewal of the Jewish nation, Dr. Hertz J.H. The Five Books of Moses and the Haftaras, edited by Chief Rabbi, Budapest, 1984. Leviticus, 450-451. in the commentary on Ezekiel 36:
“According to the prophet, God did not send Israel into exile for no reason. His misfortune was inevitable because God is the God of holiness and justice. However, the Gentiles misunderstood this punishment as seeing in it evidence of God’s helplessness: he cannot save his own people (Rashi, Kimchi).
In this way, the name of God was desecrated because of the sins of Israel. To restore the glory and reverence of God, he will bring them home from exile; it is not as if Israel deserved it, but that the glory of God should be revealed among the nations.
However, the return will also involve moral renewal; on the one hand, God will give His people a “new heart” and “put a new spirit” in them, removing “the stone heart” from their bodies and giving them a “feeling heart”, and on the other hand, the soul of Israel will be cleansed and ashamed of past sins by sincere conversion.
If the sinful people have improved in this way and the depopulated country has been inhabited again, the Gentiles will know that all this has been done by Almighty God.”
So the Jewish commentators themselves link conversion and cleansing to the divine repatriation of exile, the repopulation of a depopulated country, as the real cause of exile and suffering was the religious and moral impurity of the people.
In the context of this conversion and moral cleansing, the text says that God is able to revive Israel as he “sprinkles them with the waters of purity” (cf. Ezekiel 36:25, IMIT). (Translated by the Israelite Hungarian Literary Society.) And gives them a new heart prone to inner spiritual renewal, ready to receive divine teaching.
However, this pursuit of God's will out of inner zeal is accompanied by what we read in Ezekiel 36:32:
"Oh, I do not do it for you," says the Eternal God, "take heed to yourselves, be ashamed and confounded for your ways, O house of Israel."
God's glory, then, is the work of salvation and resurrection, but its condition is to look at ourselves, to turn to ourselves, the inner humility without which there is no forgiveness. (cf. Acts 3:19)
However, the return of the modern state of Israel to the land of their ancestors was not preceded by any purification or change by sincere repentance, repentance from sins, as the spiritual heirs of those who were hardened at the time resettled because they are still hardened today (respect the exceptions! ). The following quote is from an article by Fritz May (“Christen für Israel”, 1994):
“We know very well that the people of Israel are not (yet) the people of God’s servants, and the state of Israel is not (yet) the state of God. Many of his politicians, officials, soldiers, merchants, rabbis, and other inhabitants are by no means to be called man of God and the Bible, selfless or even innocent. They, too, are just people who, like anywhere else in the world, are fighting for power and influence, seeking personal glory and gain, and mostly not asking much of God.
Jews are neither better nor worse than others. Like all people, they are tempted and sinful. The apostle Paul wrote, "Both Jews and Greeks are all sinners ... there is no righteous man" (Romans 3: 9-10). That is why there are also evil, selfish, power-hungry, corrupt and criminal (Jewish) people in Israel. Unlove, injustice and ungodliness are on the agenda as well is like everywhere.
More and more young people are using drugs. Almost every marriage ends in divorce. (See: Recently, a magazine wrote that there is an Israeli university where a psychologist teaches techniques on how to cheat on a spouse without remorse: “A quick course on adultery - and this is in the Holy Land: Israeli men can take every existing refinement at the seminar. The workshop, which consists of four educational units, teaches you how to turn off guilt and what it takes to not "catch" anyone." (Midnight Shout Magazine, February 02, 2007, page 6.)
Violent crime is on the rise. Modern idolatry is taking an increasingly evil form. We do not want to keep all this, and much more, silent. Because God, the prophets, and the Bible speak openly about them. The warning words of the prophet Hosea are timely again today:
“Hear the word of the LORD, O ye children of Israel. The LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, no faith, and no knowledge of God in the land. They swear and lie, they kill, they steal and commit adultery, they break in, and the bloodshed is worth it! ” MBT
That is why it is still allowed today to name and criticize the sins of Israel. But only if the criticism stems from non-anti-Semitic thoughts and feelings. And only if we beat ourselves beside ourselves for our sins and plead for forgiveness. ” (Sowing and Harvesting, 1995, 33/3, p. 94)
The question arises (and not, of course, from anti-Semitic feelings, but in full awareness of our guilt, but also from the search for truth) that if there are such conditions in Israel today, is it a pre-dispersal state rather than a post-dispersal one ?! Because it does not show exactly what the IMIT editor said: "However, a return will be a moral renewal."
And if this moral renewal did not take place, there is no reason to think that God would have led them back to the land of their ancestors, especially without accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior.
If this were so, God would be contrary to His own word, for He says in Acts 17: 30-31 that He commands everyone to repent, for He has appointed a day in which He will judge the roundness of the earth in righteousness by a man (Christ) of whom he testified by raising him from the dead.
At the same time, nevertheless, he would have embraced a nation that disobeyed a word, and given him a series of privileges just because he had once been in alliance with him.
It is a complete misunderstanding, then, to think that “In spite of all his faults, weaknesses, and sins, Israel is the chosen people of God, a people dedicated to the Lord, and will remain so. And the Jews are beloved children of God (Romans 9: 1-10); Deuteronomy 7.6- 8). This is true today and will continue to be so in the future. Until the Savior comes from Zion and removes the sins of his people (Rom. 11:26).
Then he will give a new heart and a new spirit to Israel ... And then Israel will be a people of God's servants and priests, an example of faith and humanity, and a blessing to the whole world (Isa. 61: 6; Zech. 8: 20-23) Genesis 12:2." [Continuation of Fritz May's article, Sowing and Harvesting, 1995, 33/3, p. 94]
And this misunderstanding stems from the application of the statement “all Israel will be kept” described in Romans 11:26 to bodily Israel. Because it is described here that
"the Savior shall come out of Zion, and shall turn away evil from Jacob: and this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins."
However, the coming of the Savior mentioned here does not speak of the second coming of Christ, but of the first! For the apostle Paul quotes Isaiah as being written. And in Isaiah 59: 20-21 we find:
“But he will come to Zion for the redemptive sins of Jacob the Redeemer! - thus saith the LORD. I have such a covenant with them, saith the LORD, "My soul shall rest upon thee, and my words which I have given thee shall not slip out of thy mouth, and from the mouth of thy seed, and from the mouth of thy seed from henceforth, saith the LORD." MBT
And this is the first coming of Christ, and not the second. You can't just JUMP OVER Christ over his entire three-and-a-half-year earthly ministry and redemption death. For he came and called upon the people of Israel to repentance.
But he did not notice much, but rejected it, so he was left out of the covenant, the covenant known as the New Covenant, which was no longer made with the nation of bodily Israel, but with the new nation of God, the spiritual seed of Abraham. (cf. Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8: 8-12)
As for them, it is true that God did turn away their wickedness, for they were forgiven by the blood of Christ because they had fellowship with him (cf. 1 John 1: 6-7) - unlike carnal Israel, which grossly rejected and killed him and to this day you don't even want to hear about it. That is why we read about them in Romans 10:1-3:
“My brethren, I desire of God by my heart that I may be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they did not acknowledge the righteousness of God, but sought to establish themselves, and submitted not to the righteousness of God.” MBT
And that someone desires the salvation of bodily Israel and therefore foretells that today’s national Israel will surely be saved! - is different from what the apostle Paul said. So it's really just an option.
Opportunity to convert Jews
Paul expresses his hope that if they do not remain in unbelief, God can inoculate them again. (Romans 11:23) But this is an opportunity, not a sure statement, that they will surely be vaccinated again. However, if one understands physical Israel as the whole of Israel, then (the whole) will surely be saved by accepting the full number of those called from the Gentile nations. (Romans 11: 25-26)
That is, the spiritual, New Testament Israel that is sure to be saved will not be vaccinated, but physical Israel has the opportunity to be vaccinated into spiritual Israel (provided it converts), so it is quite clear that the two Israelis /today’s national and biblical spiritual/ is not the same.
Physical Israel may be grafted back to where they were cut off because of their unbelief, but spiritual Israel will not be inoculated, but the Gentiles will be inoculated into spiritual Israel, with whom they will create the whole seed to which the promise is made. (cf. Romans 4:16)
Therefore, there is no scriptural basis for the common view that when Jesus appears in the clouds of heaven as if scales fall from the eyes of Israel (as from the eyes of Paul once) and recognize the Messiah. They will repent with weeping, and in their deep repentance they will repent of themselves, as we read in Ezekiel 36:31:
"Then shall ye remember how evil ye have done, and how bad ye have done because of your abominable sins." Israel becomes a holy people. -
For the recognition of the Messiah is precisely the key to deep repentance and spiritual cleansing, without which there is no complete forgiveness. Therefore, this prophecy of the cleansing of Ezekiel is about the restoration of ancient Israel one by one, when Yahweh God brought them back from their captivity into Babylon.
It is no coincidence that the text says that the people will be united in a peace covenant under King David:
“Thus saith the Lord GOD (YHVH): I will bring the children of Israel out of all the nations; I will gather them from all over and bring them into their own land. And I will make them a nation in the land in the mountains of Israel, and a king shall reign over them all.
There will be no more two peoples, and they will never be divided again into two kingdoms. They no longer make themselves unclean with their abominable idols and many of their sins. I will deliver them from all their iniquity, because they have departed from me, and will cleanse them. They will be my people, and I will be their God. And my servant David shall be king over them all;
Then shall they live in my law, and keep my statutes, and do them. They shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, in which your ancestors lived. And they shall dwell there, and their sons and their grandchildren for ever: and David my servant shall be their prince for ever.
I make an alliance with them to live in peace. It will be an eternal covenant. I will set them down, and multiply them, and will put my sanctuary among them forever.” (Ezekiel 37: 21- 26).
The conversion of the Jews by urge
As for modern Israel, if the Jews do not remain in unbelief, they will be grafted back into their own tree (cf. Rom. 11: 23-24), so their voluntary conversion may save them, and not because some divine miracle will convert them. The possible conversion of the Jews, then, is not a predestined divine act.
The provocation (jealousy) mentioned in verse 11 also points to the urge to repent voluntarily, not to repent by a miracle, because in the case of a miracle, the provocation is irrelevant, and God can do it regardless of any circumstances.
Rather, it is a matter of encouraging the Jews, by the grace they see in the Gentiles, to follow them, and finally return to the shepherd and overseer of their souls. (cf. 1Peter 2:25)
Paul saw an opportunity to keep some of his brothers to be jealous of his apostolic ministry among the Gentiles, but that opportunity was limited to a few, it is only a possibility, and it is by no means a set aside for them a divine promise based on a sure promise. salvation that only falls into their lap until they do nothing for it. Here, conversion is a crucial moment without which there is no progress!
The fact that God gave the Gentiles a conversion to life (cf. Acts 11:18) was not merely a miracle, but their right heart and godly deeds provided a basis for them to become full members of the Christian congregation by filling them with the Holy Spirit.
[See e.g. The case of Cornelius, according to Acts 10: 2, 31). But this should not give anyone a basis for arrogance, for God can cut out anyone and vaccinate anyone, depending on that person’s action. (cf. Romans 11: 19-21)]
Let us therefore consider the grace of God (Paul says in Romans 11:22), for God essentially shows grace to the human race through Jesus Christ (cf. Ephesians 2: 7; Titus 3: 4), and this divine kindness it is despised by one who disregards the divine patience for repentance. (see Romans 2: 4-8) Rather, as part of the Christian individuality, we must embrace this kind of kindness in which God is our example to be like Him! (cf. Colossians 3:12)
The inexhaustible wisdom of God
Just as God arranged the salvation of mankind in spite of disobedience, that way is above all unique and unique. Since the number of the convert of the bodily Israel (the remnant) was not in itself sufficient to give the whole seed, he brought into the spiritual seed, in addition to the goodwill, the number of Gentiles of the right heart of his choice, giving salvation to all who live by this offering ( By repentance by faith in Christ), both of Jewish and Gentile descent. With his perfect law of his own perfection, he has kept everyone (due to imperfection and depraved heartfelt) in disobedience, and then have mercy on everyone at his mercy.
Because how do we read the Word?
“Think about it! In the past, you (the Gentiles) did not obey God either (cf. 1 Peter 4: 3). Now, however, God had mercy on you (by inoculating the gentle olive tree into your pagan existence) because (physical) Israel became disobedient (he rejected His Messiah).
Similarly, now Israel is disobedient (because it is hardened in the rejection of Christ), but in the end God will have mercy on them (waiting again with open arms for the disobedient to Him — cf. Rom. 10:21)!
Yes, it is through you (the New Testament people, the whole seed) that the people of Israel also belong to him (for he belongs to every nation that is blessed in the seed of Abraham, and the good news of the gospel is preached to him - cf. Acts 3:25) the grace (which is given in Christ and in the service of his fellow heirs) which you have now enjoyed (since you are in Christ and are part of your service to his seed). ” (Romans 11: 30-31, Simple Translation)
So just as an older (pagan) disobedience led to divine mercy (for the Gentiles because of the disobedience of bodily Israel), so the current (existing on the part of bodily Israel) leads to the mercy being granted to the Gentiles. (For by their endeavor to keep the works of the law, in which they went astray (the Israelites of the flesh), they would never have mercy!
In this way, however, they can get on the path that God has prepared for them out of love in view of the promise made to their ancestors. (cf. Rom. 9: 31-32; 11:28) Commenting on this special providence of God, the apostle Paul shouted with the hymn of praise on his lips:
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and wisdom of God! How great are his judgments, and his ways! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who was his counselor? Or who hath first given unto him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? Because everything is from him, from him and from him. His glory is forever. Amen." (Romans 11: 33-36)
Indeed, God did not forsake His people (spiritual Israel), nor even bodily Israel, for bodily Israel (including people of the nation of Israel today) has the opportunity to repent, exercise faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice, and receive salvation when the a day of wrath will come upon this world.
And then it will really be a complete exaltation for him. (See the erroneous association of the Scofield Bible, in the passage already quoted.) But the same possibility applies to any man of the Gentile nations, as the Apostle Peter states in Acts 10: 34-35:
"Now I begin to truly understand that it is not God who chooses a person, but a dear one before him who fears him and does justice." MBT
Some are hardened, some are part of the remnants of bodily Israel, some are inoculated into the remnants of bodily Israel to create the new people of the new covenant, spiritual Israel, and some are saved by the help of spiritual Israel, whether Jewish or Gentile. origin, it doesn't matter.
The point is that one should be guided by the desire to know and apply Jehovah's requirements in our daily lives and no longer rely on the weapons of war, but on God's supreme power and perfect arrangement.
And is it not entirely important to Israel today that it is through him that God’s eternal blessing extends to the peoples of the world, or through spiritual Israel, which he too can receive? We are all grateful to God and His Son for allowing our salvation and therefore paying the most precious price, for the most precious blood has flowed out for us, the blood of a perfect, sinless, righteous man, which means salvation to us, - (provided ) if properly evaluated!
[P.S.: Gog's attack will be against spiritual Israel - Ezekiel 38 - national Israel no longer has a role in God's plan of salvation.]
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