Science's search for God

"We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because that is the only way to make progress." (Richard Feynman) If this is the only way for scientists to make progress, let's help them to make progress. They present themselves with a fine-sounding statement: Naturalism is not a prerequisite for the practice of science, but a conclusion of the practice of science. We learn nothing about the universe by importing an additional assumption about God. In other words, naturalism wins because it works. In practice, however, naturalism is practised as a presupposition within a worldview that excludes idealism: Methodological naturalism : Science operates according to the principle of methodological naturalism, which means that it seeks explanations based on natural causes and laws without appealing to supernatural elements. The philosophical doctrine of methodological naturalism holds that in order for any study of the world to be considered "s...